In some ways, February was a challenging month. It was busy, I started the month with a nasty cough (thank you, pine pollen), and in general wasn't feeling at the top of my game.
My column still went out every week. I still wrote every day, even if it wasn't a lot. In the end I wrote 12,226 words in February.
Talking with a couple of fellow writers, I bemoaned that I'd "only" written around twelve thousand words.
Carolyn, one of the writers, encouraged me to change my thinking. She framed it like this: despite having a difficult month, I succeeded in writing over twelve thousand words.
That gave me pause. Looking at it that way, it wasn't a failure on my part, but something to celebrate. Feeling good about the writing increases the chance I'll do it.
"Only" was a weight that held me back from what I'd truly accomplished.
So, despite a difficult month, I wrote every day, my column went out every week, and I wrote over twelve thousand words. (I also have a book out to my copyeditor - look for Death on the Air later this month)
If you, like me, find yourself saying, "I only did..." see if you can reframe it. Turn it into a positive.
You'll be amazed at how it helps your attitude.
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