Thursday, April 27, 2023

Quick update

 I just wanted readers of this blog to know I will be on a local radio show Friday, April 28th, at 8:30 am (Eastern) to talk about my latest novel, "Death on the Air."

If you live in Highlands County, Florida and wish to tune in, you'll find WWTK at am730 or fm 730.

Live outside of the listening area?  No problem.  Click here to listen online.

It promises to be a lot of fun.  Hope you'll give it a listen!

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Behind on so many levels...

My normal schedule of things has me posting on this blog on the 1st and 15th of every month.  Unfortunately, real life did not conform to my schedule, and so this post is a day late.

It's not the only thing that has me running like crazy to catch up.  In my last post I said I was going to do my Kickstarter this month.  After much reflection on how much work is left to be done, I've decided to postpone it until June.  I want it to be good, and that's more important than it being done in April.

I'm also a judge for a writing contest and need to step up my reading speed if I'm to get all of the entries read in time.  The coordinator graciously extended the deadline (we got three additional books on short notice) so I'm taking advantage of that.

I get frustrated when I fall behind.  Part of my problem is that there is SO MUCH to do that I get paralyzed trying to pick one thing from all of it.  At that point, none of it gets done.  Plus, I have ADD (look, squirrel!) and it causes me to get easily distracted.

I'd love to hear from you how you deal with falling behind.  What do you do when you have a huge list of things to do to make sure SOMETHING gets done?  How do you know when to work on catching up and when to simply reschedule?  I'm curious.

That's it for now.  I'll see you in May!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Grandbabies, Publications, and Writing Streaks

 Lots to talk about today.  

1) First, I had a WONDERFUL time in South Carolina near the end of March visiting my grandchildren.  Lavinia is going to be 5 in a few days and Matthias is 3.  They and their parents love having us visit and we made some good memories.

2) My latest novel Death on the Air is now available as an ebook and will soon be in print.  You can purchase the ebook from your favorite site by clicking here  (if your site isn't listed, let me know and I'll make sure it's included).  Here's a look at the cover:

3) On March 25th I hit a milestone - my 1,000th day in a row of writing.  That means I've made new words every day for nearly three years now.  It feels like quite the achievement, and now I'm looking to see if I can bump it even higher.

I'm hoping to launch my first Kickstarter this month.  Stay tuned for more information.

Hope you have a amazing April!

Projects! Projects!

 I am currently working on THREE - yes, three - projects, not counting the possible novel I'm writing on. There is a Kickstarter I'm...