Friday, June 16, 2023

Finding My Groove

 One bad thing about being on vacation for almost two weeks is I've lost my writing groove.  While I managed to write every day, it continued to be less than five hundred words more often than not.

It didn't help this week I got two pieces of bad news that impacted my mood and writing.  One night I started to cry from fatigue and sadness.  I had people to get me through it, and I did eke out a few words that night.  

I also have a number of things I need to get done.  It's sometimes hard to pick what to do from all the choices.  I hope I can pick one and focus - just a matter of which one.

Let me finish this blog post by wishing all dads a Happy Father's Day.  Wish I could call my dad and talk to him.  Make sure you call yours.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


 Don and I got back to Florida a couple of days ago after spending nearly two weeks in Hawaii.  It was a marvelous time and great to get away for a bit and see something new.

We cruised around the islands, ate too much good food, and bought a ton of souvenirs.  It was a lot of fun and worth the jet lag we're both experiencing.

And, to my amazement, I kept up my writing streak of at least 250 words a day.  The count was often closer to 250 words than 500 words, but the fact I wrote despite fatigue and numerous distractions is a win.  Credit goes to Don, who made sure I got to the laptop even when I wasn't feeling it.  He knew I would be glad he did.

Hoping your summer is kicking off to a good start.  Until next time!

Projects! Projects!

 I am currently working on THREE - yes, three - projects, not counting the possible novel I'm writing on. There is a Kickstarter I'm...