Sunday, November 17, 2024


 I have been having a few rough days due to the not-so-small issue of lacking one of my medications.

I was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD as an adult a number of years go (I'm a little uncertain if we found I had the hyperactive part of it, but I know I have the rest).  This meant going on some medication that is tightly controlled.

I ran out of this medication at the end of last week.  I didn't notice it until I went to set up my pillbox for the week.  It explained some things - lack of focus and wanting to sleep a lot.  But I had to get it filled.

My regular pharmacy is constantly out of the medication, so, armed with a paper script, I had Don take it to another pharmacy for me today.  The pharmacy called me after a bit, informing me that they were no longer accepting prescriptions from my particular doctor.  The reasons why weren't clearly expressed, and I plan to let my doctor know there's a problem.

So we tried yet another pharmacy.  This one has delayed the prescription due to - wait for it - insurance issues.  They will get a call tomorrow asking what is going on.

In the meantime, I'm having to function and get things done.  When you've been on a medication as long as I have, you grow dependent on it. It's hard for me to get things done right now.  This includes writing stuff.

I'm thankful for my 1500+ day writing streak.  That will get me to the computer and get words made tonight.  They may not be many, but they will happen.

So if I strike you as flakier than usual recently, just put it down to lack of medication.  But I'm sure I'll be fine - oo, look!  Squirrel!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Blast from the past


The above picture is of my granddaughter Lavinia and her sweet mama from six (!) years ago.  Lavinia is dressed as a squirrel, her daddy's favorite animal.

Where did the time go?  That cute little squirrel is now six and in first grade.  She continues to be adorable and I love her and her brother so much.

I don't know what Lavinia and Matthias dressed as this year.  I look forward to seeing pictures.

The year is speeding to a close.  It will soon be time to evaluate my goals for 2025.  I look forward to sharing them with you.

Hope your Halloween was fun.  And that there was someone cute in your life.

Projects! Projects!

 I am currently working on THREE - yes, three - projects, not counting the possible novel I'm writing on. There is a Kickstarter I'm...