Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Some Updates and Publishing News

 Hoping everyone is surviving the insane times we're in.  Today my state apparently was hit with a little hurricane - in November!  Yes, we're still in hurricane season but come on now, this is getting ridiculous, 2020.

In positive news, today marks day 135 of writing every day!  I started at the end of June, attempting to get some words done every day.  In the beginning, there was no minimum - I just had to get some words down.  My record low was 68 words.  As the months went by, I decided to set a minimum of 250 words/day.  

This has been an incredible ride.  The writing is better, because I'm giving it the time it needs.  I feel better about it because I'm making it a priority.  And it's a lot more fun.

I also got a new short story out - my third in the Eli Leafrunner series.  It's in ebook form only, wherever you buy yours.  Here's the cover:

I hope you enjoy his latest adventure.

Will have more news soon - stay tuned.  And stay safe.

P.S. I'm involved in Nanowrimo this year - if you want to friend me, my username is bookwormlady.  See you there!

Monday, August 17, 2020

New Short Story out!

 My short story, "The Case of the Human Body," the second story in The Eli Leafrunner Case Files series, is out!  To celebrate it's publication, I've lowered the price of the first story in the series, "The Case of the Perishing Pixies," to 99 cents!  Click here to purchase the new story on Amazon.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

How are you doing?

The world has gone sideways since I last posted.  I hope you are doing well and surviving under these circumstances.

I'm in the process of updating the website (yes, it's about time).  The Bibliography is nearly complete, but the ebooks section needs stuff added to it.  Please be patient with me as I work on this. 

If you're looking for something to read, check out the Bibliography - there's a lot there, I'm happy to say.  And stay tuned as I get to updating the ebook section.

And if you want a free short story, don't forget to sign up for my occasional newsletter!

Take care.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Want a free short story?

Hey, would you like to get a free short story to read?  It's easy.  Simply join my mailing list.  It's easy - check the left-hand column on the site here and fill out the short form.

I promise not to make your email box overflow, nor will I sell your information.  But it's a great way to keep up with news about me and upcoming publications.

So give it a shot.  I look forward to communicating with you!

Today is National Read a Book Day

 It came to my attention that today is National Read a Book Day.  This is one of those days I can get behind. Besides my daily Bible reading...