Sunday, February 20, 2011

A look at January, and ebooks are up!

I know it's pretty late to be looking back at January, given we're well into February, but better late than never, right?

In January I wrote 19,712 words of fiction.  That doesn't include my weekly column but it does include a short story I wrote for an upcoming workshop.  If I can keep up that kind of pace I'll hit my goal of 200,000 words for 2011.  My short story goal is 12 short stories this year, though I'd love to write more than that.  Any tips on how I can meet these goals?

You'll notice a new link to the left that says, "Ebooks."  All my current ebooks are listed there, with links for those who want to purchase them.  All are short stories and priced at 99 cents each.  Why not check out a couple?

If you can think of anything you'd like to see on this blog, don't hesitate to drop me a line!  I'm interested in what you think and want to make this a blog you want to read!

Projects! Projects!

 I am currently working on THREE - yes, three - projects, not counting the possible novel I'm writing on. There is a Kickstarter I'm...