I'm taking a writing course that addresses the concept of writer's block. My latest assignment involved taking stock of what I've written and what is published/sold.
I discovered that I've written over 200 short stories since I started my path to fiction writing in 2005. This doesn't include the number of Star Trek stories I wrote for the Strange New Worlds contest. It also doesn't include the eleven short stories I've started and not finished. 43 or 44 of those short stories are for sale, either as stand-alones or in collections.
This doesn't include the none novellas (7,500+ words) I've written, one of which sold.
I have published six novels, with a seventh on the way. I also have cowritten six novels in a fantasy series, with a seventh on the way.
That's a lot of words. I need to update this site with everything for sale.
I need to do something with the stories and novels gathering virtual dust on my hard drive. I have more than enough short fiction to create a number of collections.
It is sort of exciting to see what I can do this year. I didn't publish anything last year, something I do not wish to repeat. So, stay tuned. I hope to have great news coming soon.