Thursday, August 15, 2024

I am officially traveled out...

 Okay.  I clocked three trips from the end of June to the beginning of August.  First, there was a journey to South Carolina to see my wonderful grandkids.  

A few weeks later, near the end of July, we attended Shore Leave in Pennsylvania.

Less than a week after I got back from Shore Leave I flew to Las Vegas for a four day Anthology Workshop.  Stayed in Vegas almost a week and staggered back home with a decent case of jet lag.

The Anthology Workshop was intense, informative, and fun.  While there I sold two short stories that will come out in anthologies next year.  I got great feedback on my writing and caught up with friends I hadn't seen in a while.

Now I am home and not wanting to get on a plane anytime soon.  I'll drive to Lakeland, Florida for a gaming event (about 1 1/2 hours away) but that's it.  Just call me a homebody.

Until November.  Then it's back to the grandkids.

Hopefully I'll be recovered by then.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Summer marches on...

 As I type this, I am between two trips.  Don and I got back from Shore Leave on Tuesday evening, and this upcoming Sunday I will be winging my way to Las Vegas for a writing workshop.  My suitcase has not been fully unpacked: I took out t-shirts and dirty laundry and added clean underwear and t-shirts about writing.  I'm a long way from pre-trip panic, but stay tuned.

Shore Leave was a great deal of fun.  Below is a picture of my table at Meet the Pros, where convention goes had a chance to meet writers and maybe even buy books from us.  I shared the table with my wonderful cowriter Rigel Ailur.

Looking at my calendar, if i continue to write at least 250 words/day, I will hit the 1,500th day on August 6th.  I am bemused at the fact I've kept this streak up this long.  It has meant writing when I didn't feel like it or I didn't have a lot of time or I was tired.  

I plan to celebrate somehow.  I will be in Vegas but will probably get some decadent dessert that night.

More on the workshop later this month.  Try to stay cool out there.

Today is National Read a Book Day

 It came to my attention that today is National Read a Book Day.  This is one of those days I can get behind. Besides my daily Bible reading...