Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Lovely Compliment

 Most writers I know, myself included, love to hear from readers.  Telling us they liked something we've written and put out there is almost guaranteed to bring a smile to our faces.

Earlier this week, a friend of mine approached me following Bible Study.  She blamed me for her not getting much sleep the night before, because she was up reading one of my books, The Silent Witness.

I grinned like an idiot and didn't apologize.  

Readers, statements like this can make a writer's day.  It can be a ray of sunshine on days the words fight us.  When we question our abilities.  When it just overall seems hard.

If you know a writer, find something nice to say about their work.  Even a quick text saying, "I love your stuff" will do.

Trust me, we appreciate it more than you know.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We're nearing the halfway mark of 2024...

 Things are gaining steam here at the Ware household.  I am looking at three different trips this summer, two with my husband Don.

The first trip later this month will be to visit my most adorable grandchildren in South Carolina.  Don and I always enjoy the time with our oldest son and his family.  John and his wife Amanda are gracious hosts and the grandkids are a delight.

The second trip is about a month later and sees Don and I heading to Lancaster, Pennsylvania for the convention .Shore Leave., a scifi/fantasy event that is a lot of fun.  Because I've written a Star Trek short story that was published in an anthology (Strange New Worlds 10) I am a guest author at the event.  I will be speaking on some panels and participate in "Meet the Pros," an opportunity for fans to say hi and maybe buy a book or two.  If you are in the area, I hope you come say hi.

Before leaving Pennsylvania, I will make a pilgrimage to the town of Hershey, as a good chocoholic should.

My last summer trip takes place in early August.  I will be attending a writing workshop that I am currently writing stories for.  The Anthology Workshop ran a number of years before Covid, and the creators have finally decided to bring it back.  It's fun and nerve-wracking all at once, if you can imagine having your work critiqued in front of over thirty other writers by eight editors.  I'm so looking forward to it and seeing old friends.

That's my summer.  What about yours?

Greetings post-Milton

 I live in Central Florida.  We got a piece of Milton earlier this month.  The picture below is of the drainage ditch in front of our house ...