Friday, April 19, 2019


Life has been insane the past couple of months.  In addition to dealing with things on the home front, I attended a writing workshop at the end of February/beginning of March, read for a contest, played Magic at a tournament in Tampa, and at the moment am getting ready for the annual Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes convention in Orlando.

Along with all that, I've had two short stories published.  "Who Loves the Unloved?" appears in Fiction Rivers' Feel the Love anthology.  As the title implies, it addresses those that society may deem unlovable.  Are there people out there that care for them?

You can buy the anthology from your favorite ebook or print provider. 

"A Chance to Escape" came out in a bundle called Fantasy Portals.  A frazzled full-time mom discovers a portal that promises her a wonderful life - at a price.  I've included links below.

eBook universal link

Happy reading!  Talk to you again soon!

Today is National Read a Book Day

 It came to my attention that today is National Read a Book Day.  This is one of those days I can get behind. Besides my daily Bible reading...