Today marks a special day in my writing journey.
Today is the 500th day in a row that I've written either fiction or creative non-fiction (column is one example).
To my knowledge, this is the longest writing streak I've ever maintained. It has meant writing when I was tired, writing when I was grieving, writing when I wasn't feeling well, and even writing when I just plain didn't feel like it.
I've written on vacation. I've written well past midnight some days. I've written during the day. I've written when I wasn't sure what the story I started would be about. I've written when other things tried to tempt me away from the keyboard.
Currently my minimum word count for a day is 500 words. Beginning next year I plan to up that to 750 words. Later in 2022 my goal is 1000 words a day. Baby steps. But I'm getting there.
Along with this I've been writing a short story a week. I'm up to 45 short stories done - the goal is 52, or one year's worth. Seven to go. I think I might pull it off.
But I admit I'm proud of that 500. It represents a lot of words. A lot of exercising my creative brain. And while it hasn't always been easy, it's been fun. And I've learned a lot from it.
So now? Let's aim for 600. Wish me luck.