It's been a while since I posted. A lot as gone on. Some good, some bad. 2020 was definitely one of those years.
And here we are with over half of 2021 gone. I need to make this blog more of a priority. I hope you all would appreciate that.'s some writing news to share.
1. On June 29th, 2020, I decided I would try to write every day. Some days it was hard to pull that off (one day I only managed 69 words). But I kept up with it, and last month passed the one-year anniversary of writing every day.
The benefit of a streak is it presses you to keep it up the longer it gets. Not sure how long this will last, but I wouldn't be against several years.
2. At the beginning of 2021, I started the challenge of writing a short story a week for a year. Last Sunday I finished story #30.
This is harder than writing every day. Some weeks I had a real problem coming up with a story. There have been Sundays I've burned the midnight oil to finish. And I'm sure some of these stories are better than others. But I haven't given up. I'm more than halfway done. And I'm determined to pull it off.
3. Five of the short stories I wrote were put into a short story collection titled FIVE FEMALE GUMSHOES. The collection contains five stories, each featuring a female private investigator.
I'm pleased with this collection. If you want an ebook, here's a link to check out:
And here's a peek at the cover...
I'll let you know when it's available in print. That means I'll be posting again (hopefully) soon. Thanks for your patience!
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