Sunday, July 10, 2011

Guyana, Day 2

Today Don and I worshipped with our brothers and sisters at the Inverness Church of Christ. It was wonderful to sing with them and take part in the worship service!

Don taught the Bible lesson and also did the sermon. We ran late due to transportation issues, but people didn't get upset. Don did a great job (no surprise as far as I am concerned) and will teach three classes tomorrow. I don't have to teach until Tuesday, when I will conduct classes for the women.

Afterwards we had lunch with Anil and his family. They are very gracious people who welcomed us into their home. Anil has been our chauffeur for the trip and I truly appreciate that, since in Guyana you drive on the left side of the road and that would be very confusing for Don and me!

After doing some visitation, Anil drove us back to the hotel where we grabbed dinner and are now winding down from the day. The weather has been cooler than usual, which has been a blessing for us.

Anyway, that's a summation of day 2. Hopefully I will be able to post about day 3 tomorrow!

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