Thursday, October 3, 2024

I am blessed...

 As a writer who still has much to learn and many more words to write, I am blessed by the people around me who not only pay lip service to this venture, but actively support it.

Ask a writer how important it is to have a positive support system, and you'll probably be told it can make or break a writer.  Without support on the home front, it can be difficult to start or maintain a career.  If you keep getting negative input from those you are closest to, getting to the keyboard can be that much harder.

I'm fortunate to have people like my husband Don, who will ask me before he goes to bed if I've written my words for the day yet and will urge me to get to my office if I haven't.  He reads what I place in front of him and doesn't imply I'm a failure because I'm still not making a whole lot of money yet.  When I am discouraged, he will remind me that this is a marathon and to do what I know to do.

He even invests in my workshops and conventions because they are part of the learning process and the business of writing.  He's my personal cheerleader and I'm grateful to have him in my life.

My friends want me to succeed and cheer me on to get going and write more stuff for them to read.  I appreciate them and their patience.

Hopefully you have an excellent support system as you go after your passion.  I hope there are people in your life cheering you on and encouraging you to pursue your dreams.  May that be as true for you as it is for me.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Today is National Read a Book Day

 It came to my attention that today is National Read a Book Day.  This is one of those days I can get behind.

Besides my daily Bible reading, a plan that allows me to read the entire Bible in a year, I am currently reading "The Whole Enchilada" by Diane Mott Davidson.  Truth to tell, it might be a reread - the book came out in 2013 and there's a chance it's hiding on my bookcase somewhere (I'm currently reading the Kindle version).

I love Davidson's books.  Her main character, Goldie Schulz, is a Colorado caterer who solves murders while whipping up delicious food.  Recipes are included and I've tried a couple of them.

I'm a little sad to note that her last book in the series came out in 2013.  A quick Google search reveals that she decided to step away from writing to pursue other interests.  

I hope she is healthy and happy.  I will enjoy this last book and may revisit the whole series.  The books are worth checking out if you like cozies.  A list of the books in order can be found here.

What are YOU reading currently?  Let me know!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

I am officially traveled out...

 Okay.  I clocked three trips from the end of June to the beginning of August.  First, there was a journey to South Carolina to see my wonderful grandkids.  

A few weeks later, near the end of July, we attended Shore Leave in Pennsylvania.

Less than a week after I got back from Shore Leave I flew to Las Vegas for a four day Anthology Workshop.  Stayed in Vegas almost a week and staggered back home with a decent case of jet lag.

The Anthology Workshop was intense, informative, and fun.  While there I sold two short stories that will come out in anthologies next year.  I got great feedback on my writing and caught up with friends I hadn't seen in a while.

Now I am home and not wanting to get on a plane anytime soon.  I'll drive to Lakeland, Florida for a gaming event (about 1 1/2 hours away) but that's it.  Just call me a homebody.

Until November.  Then it's back to the grandkids.

Hopefully I'll be recovered by then.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Summer marches on...

 As I type this, I am between two trips.  Don and I got back from Shore Leave on Tuesday evening, and this upcoming Sunday I will be winging my way to Las Vegas for a writing workshop.  My suitcase has not been fully unpacked: I took out t-shirts and dirty laundry and added clean underwear and t-shirts about writing.  I'm a long way from pre-trip panic, but stay tuned.

Shore Leave was a great deal of fun.  Below is a picture of my table at Meet the Pros, where convention goes had a chance to meet writers and maybe even buy books from us.  I shared the table with my wonderful cowriter Rigel Ailur.

Looking at my calendar, if i continue to write at least 250 words/day, I will hit the 1,500th day on August 6th.  I am bemused at the fact I've kept this streak up this long.  It has meant writing when I didn't feel like it or I didn't have a lot of time or I was tired.  

I plan to celebrate somehow.  I will be in Vegas but will probably get some decadent dessert that night.

More on the workshop later this month.  Try to stay cool out there.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Shore Leave Schedule

 Shore Leave 2024 will take place July 26th-28th at the Wyndham Lancaster Resort and Convention Center in Lancaster, PA.  This is different from past years but I'm looking forward to checking out the new location.  Besides, Hershey, PA is in striking distance - what's not to like?

Below is my schedule for Shore Leave this year.  If you're in the area, come check it out!  I'd love to meet you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Greetings from South Carolina!

 As I type this I'm sitting in my oldest son's home in South Carolina.  My husband Don and I are taking a few days to visit with him and his precious family.

There's his wife Amanda, who is the best daughter-in-law I could ask for.  She and John make us feel welcome and she does all kinds of sweet things to make us comfortable.  Just one example: even though she doesn't drink coffee, she bought a Keurig coffeemaker for me and her parents so we can have coffee when we're here.

Of course, there are the grandbabies, though "babies" is misleading.  Lavinia is six and has just completed kindergarten.  Her brother Matthias is four.  They are both adorable and the high point of our visit here, and certainly two of the most wonderful children in the world (yes, I am biased).

We've had a great time so far this trip.  While I intend to continue my writing streak while I'm here, I'm also letting myself have some down time.  We all need that occasionally.  I'm grateful to have the opportunity to spend such time with people I love.

I hope you also have a chance to rest and recharge at some point.  What works for you?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Lovely Compliment

 Most writers I know, myself included, love to hear from readers.  Telling us they liked something we've written and put out there is almost guaranteed to bring a smile to our faces.

Earlier this week, a friend of mine approached me following Bible Study.  She blamed me for her not getting much sleep the night before, because she was up reading one of my books, The Silent Witness.

I grinned like an idiot and didn't apologize.  

Readers, statements like this can make a writer's day.  It can be a ray of sunshine on days the words fight us.  When we question our abilities.  When it just overall seems hard.

If you know a writer, find something nice to say about their work.  Even a quick text saying, "I love your stuff" will do.

Trust me, we appreciate it more than you know.

I am blessed...

 As a writer who still has much to learn and many more words to write, I am blessed by the people around me who not only pay lip service to ...